Sunday, October 11, 2009

Daddy's yogurt

It tastes better when it comes from Daddy's yogurt cup. Daddy complains that she's eating all his yogurt, but look at him!


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stepping up

Over the past few months Maya has gotten pretty good at using step stools and chairs to reach things. Now she has her own way to try to open the pantry door and get close to nature (dee-u).

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8 and milk

Maya is showing signs of Architectural aptitude – she started stacking. She has been playing with her toy stacking different shapes with a hole in the middle onto a pole. But that got too easy quick. So today she started stacking them just on the floor (or our coffee table). Imagine how amazed we were when she stacked Eight pieces on top of each other and not in the order of diminishing radius. And then, as if this was not enough for our little magician, she put her milk on top! Now she is almost as excited about stacking as she is about knocking them down!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eat them up... yum!

She's her father's daughter. Maya's dad made fish-head soup last night and Maya LOVED the tasty morsels of fish meat- cheeks, collars, you name it. Dad's culinary offerings were greeted by an excited Maya stomping around the kitchen saying "whshshsh" (means "fish" in the Mayan language) and making a hand motion like a fish swimming. Then she would go to the next room and point to our pet betta, and do the same thing. When it came time to taste, she even said "please" without being prompted.




Afterwards, Mom looked up the "roly poly fish heads" video and played it for Dad, who said, "This is like Chernobyl for your mind." Here's the link to the original if you are in need of reference: link

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More words

Maya is adding more words daily. She can say her name and approximate the names of other kids in her class, as well as her teachers' names. Here are some more of the words she uses daily:
copy (coffee)
cuh-wee (crayon)
keeku (circle)
ope-men (open- accompanied by the sign she made up which looks like the chicken dance)
utsat? (what's that?- to really get the Maya version you need to use a glottal stop at the end leave your mouth open (or ope-men) really wide)
and, our favorite...
ayluvoo (I love you)



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