Friday, November 19, 2010

Funny Maya

Here are some recent Maya quotes:

(after I said thank you) "You're welcome... you're welcome to bring me candy."

"I have diarrhea. My poopy is smooth and slippery like a dolphin."

"I like apple clobbler."

"Look I have a boo boo."
- "Where'd you get that boo boo."
"..... Atlanta."

"Don't talk to me right now; I'm eating my octopus."

"I'm gonna put this monkey in my bum. He's gonna be lost."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Building blocks

Daddy has been teaching Maya about
structural integrity as we learn
from the process of building a house.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Daddy is the best ... fish?

Daddy took Maya to the aquarium today. When they got home Maya gave an update.

Maya: I saw penguins and sharks and ranbow fish and big grouper..., and... soap!
Mommy: What was your favorite part?
Maya: (pause) Daddy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Junior Bonsai gardener

Right now I am resisting lots of temptation to say that she is really seven and the bonsai techniques really worked! But I guess I didn't resist that well.



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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Egg hunt

This was the first year Maya was really into Easter and egg hunting. The score of the season was the egg that had hand sanitizer in it, which she calls 'soap' and is fond of saying that she 'needs.' We celebrated Passover last Monday and found that Maya not only liked the ten plagues finger puppets, but liked matzo even more!




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Friday, April 2, 2010


March was filled with cuteness, Daddy's birthday, ear infections, a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Davis, and further ear infections. Maya is currently on her fourth different antibiotic for recurring (persisting) ear infections in both ears. Not fun. But she has been a trooper. She has started practicing four and five-syllable words, such as "blueberrerrerries", "graham crackackackers", and "mustatatache". She has also started naming dolls and toys. Last night she named her four bath hippos Carrots, Carrots, Carrots, and Kristy.

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Thoughts about great-grandma

This past month Maya went to her second funeral in a year. Without knowing it, she played a very important role in helping her whole family appreciate the lighter side of the life cycle. Now seeing "great-grandma a-sleeping a-box" has become part of her repertoire of things to ponder and mention daily, along with "the fish- move eyes- at the aquarium" (from a comment mom made during a trip to the aquarium) and "the lizard taking a nap" (from a comment mom made when we saw a plastic lizard that had been hit by a lawn mower). It's touching to see that the mysteries of life to a 26 month-old are not that different from those of a 32 year-old.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Aquapolypse Now

Maya doesn't really like bath toys. But she does play bath games. She made up this game yesterday, and has probably played for twenty minutes already. If we didn't haul her out when she started shivering she would probably play for longer. I like how calmly she pours the water out after the urgency (and proximity) with which she yells.

Wheelie bug Valentine

Here is Maya in her Valentine's Day outfit for the school party, demonstrating the great Wheelie Bug.


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Thursday, February 11, 2010

First mango Lassi

Maya can count to fork now. One, two, tree, fork. This helps her when she's counting her money, including the mennies (those are the brown ones). Also, she found out she likes mango lassi.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Maya, in her mature two years, has decided that distinguishing between Mama and Daddy is superfluous and now often refers to either one of us as "Mahdi." Below is a video from when she was younger and more precise in her parental naming. Some other signs of Maya growing up are that she has started to give positive feedback to others- she asked me to stir her yogurt yesterday and, when I was done, said "Good job, a-stir-it, yogurt, Mama." She also tells me to "slow down" and "be careful" when I am driving. But these helpful reminders aren't limited to us parents. Sometimes, if something is too close to the edge of the table, she will advise, "be careful, toast" or "be careful, juice."

Friday, February 5, 2010


Maya knows a lot about yoga. She knows that if the answer to "where Daddy?" isn't "work," it's probably "yoga." She knows what "downward dog" is, and what people usually look like when they say "namaste." In short, she knows more than Mama but not as much as Daddy.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

yogurt technique

We've been cracking up lately when Maya eats her yogurt. I thought we should share with others so I told her we'd make a video for Grandma, which led to some confusion about where Grandma was and how we could interact with her.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Maya makes songs

We overcame some technical difficulties so we can finally post movies again. Here's a recent one of Maya's musical stylings. She warms up with a bit of a medly and concludes with lyrics about some of her favorite people: Jakob, Carola, and Daddy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We are lucky

That Maya is a good eater. She also likes tiny motorcycles, which she calls "bikels."



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