Friday, February 12, 2010

Aquapolypse Now

Maya doesn't really like bath toys. But she does play bath games. She made up this game yesterday, and has probably played for twenty minutes already. If we didn't haul her out when she started shivering she would probably play for longer. I like how calmly she pours the water out after the urgency (and proximity) with which she yells.

Wheelie bug Valentine

Here is Maya in her Valentine's Day outfit for the school party, demonstrating the great Wheelie Bug.


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Thursday, February 11, 2010

First mango Lassi

Maya can count to fork now. One, two, tree, fork. This helps her when she's counting her money, including the mennies (those are the brown ones). Also, she found out she likes mango lassi.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Maya, in her mature two years, has decided that distinguishing between Mama and Daddy is superfluous and now often refers to either one of us as "Mahdi." Below is a video from when she was younger and more precise in her parental naming. Some other signs of Maya growing up are that she has started to give positive feedback to others- she asked me to stir her yogurt yesterday and, when I was done, said "Good job, a-stir-it, yogurt, Mama." She also tells me to "slow down" and "be careful" when I am driving. But these helpful reminders aren't limited to us parents. Sometimes, if something is too close to the edge of the table, she will advise, "be careful, toast" or "be careful, juice."

Friday, February 5, 2010


Maya knows a lot about yoga. She knows that if the answer to "where Daddy?" isn't "work," it's probably "yoga." She knows what "downward dog" is, and what people usually look like when they say "namaste." In short, she knows more than Mama but not as much as Daddy.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

yogurt technique

We've been cracking up lately when Maya eats her yogurt. I thought we should share with others so I told her we'd make a video for Grandma, which led to some confusion about where Grandma was and how we could interact with her.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Maya makes songs

We overcame some technical difficulties so we can finally post movies again. Here's a recent one of Maya's musical stylings. She warms up with a bit of a medly and concludes with lyrics about some of her favorite people: Jakob, Carola, and Daddy.